Smartphone history was made this week when Apple (iPhones) pushed ahead of Research In Motion (Blackberry models) to lay claim to the second largest maker worldwide, behind Nokia. Apple doubled smartphone shipments to 14 million from the year-earlier period, thanks largely to the release of the iPhone 4. The Smartphone race is being closely watched by marketers, as
mobile marketing continues to grow rapidly. Of course, while app developers create programs for every mobile platform, it's those platforms with the largest market that get the most attention. So keeping tabs on who's on first and in the lead is crucial for Rainmakers.
Enter Android. While Apple has surpassed RIM,
Android's growth rate has shot past both Apple iOS and BlackBerry. Android was installed on 44 percent of phones sold in the third quarter of this year, well ahead of its two main rivals.Apple's answer is it will counter with the debut of the Verizon iPhone early next year, eagerly looking to slow Android's explosive growth. And the Smartphone race goes on.