
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ratings With Attitude On SocialTV

The term social TV is a bit of a misnomer. In these early stages of “social TV” we tend to conceive of that online conversation around media as somehow a single entity unified by the technology platform. However, the myriad of perspectives and attitudes is closer to the types of cliques you find among teenage groups. TV media has always been social, with the filter of friends, family, parties. Twitter didn’t make TV social. But even more than giving us the opportunity to pull media on-demand, social TV allows us to create a context on-demand by surrounding ourselves with the audience with whom we most want to watch a program and tailor a media environment to our liking.  And to a greater extent than ever before, the viewer has the ability to enhance the experience by tweaking the audience. By opening the doors to the crowd they want to hear, the viewer can look for the complementary, supportive, contrarian, irreverent voices they desire. They can filter the streams to highlight the voices and attitudes they

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"Baseball, Hot Dogs and --- Pistachios"

Marketing is all about meeting an unmet consumer need, want or desire. A true Rainmaker capitalizes on meeting those needs, often times by just leveraging an existing target "hungry" for change. Sports fans fill stadiums every day in America enjoying their favorite teams with friends and family, and of course, satisfying their palette for great tasting snacks. But for a growing number of fans, eating at the ballpark means caving to consumption of unhealthy snacks. That's when the savvy Rainmakers at Wonderful Pistachios discovered their product was a perfect complement to stadium menus. For years, baseball fans have crushed shells to pop salty peanuts so why wouldn't they do the same for a tasty and healthy green pistachio? They have and it's changed the game! Following last week’s news that it will air a Super Bowl ad for the first time, Wonderful Pistachios is now available in baseball and football stadiums in many major markets, including New York, Los Angeles, Dallas and Atlanta. And they've just announced a three-year, seven-figure partnership with the Harlem Globetrotters. In addition to its presence at the Globetrotters’ North American games through signage, program advertising and sampling, the nut brand’s "Get Crackin" logo will appear on the team’s jerseys. The North American segment of the Globetrotters’ 2013 World Tour will stop in more than 240 cities. A Wonderful Pistachios spot featuring the Globetrotters will launch on national television and the brand’s Get Crackin’ site starting Jan. 21. While this partnership sounds like a natural fit, capitalizing on the healthy snacking trend in America will no doubt score big for this brand.

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