
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Cyber Social Media Assistant

One of the most popular New Year's resolutions for social media enthusiasts is that they'll develop and share more interesting content with their readers and followers. But like getting in shape, most succumb to scarcity of time or are disappointed in the lack of short term results. Not everyone is a prolific writer or has the time to research and organize the sharing of interesting articles, posts or video material. That reality prompted a few really smart guys to develop a program called Bufferapp, which enables users to queue the content they want to share for optimal distribution to their followers. No more copy pasting urls, generating short links and logging into Twitter and Facebook to write clever posts. Bufferapp paces the distribution of your selected content and marketing tweets so that you don't overwhelm followers. Pressing the Bufferapp button on great articles, posts, videos and tweets is like having a social media assistant without hiring a community manager.


  1. I agree it is a challenge to keep consistency with posting to Twitter and Facebook. This is certainly one of the reasons we built Buffer, and we're trying to do as much as we can to help people be awesome on social media. Glad to hear it's working for you, thanks so much for the great write-up!

    I've just Buffered this :-)

  2. Thanks Joel. Congrats on developing Buffer. Based on the time your comment posted, it looks like great Buffer posting scheduling while you got needed rest. Lol.


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