
Showing posts with label consumer decision making process. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consumer decision making process. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Personalize Your Email Campaigns

We know that millions of people around the world are just about now on the verge of breaking the most popular New Year's resolution - to get and stay fit. But many have already committed to that enticing gym membership offer they received in an email campaign right around the New Year. The New Year is the most popular time for gym marketers to launch email campaigns aimed at securing new and renewing expired memberships. But I haven't been impressed with the campaign of a very popular national gym brand who doesn't implement the platform's best practices. Back in the Fall of last year, I discontinued four family membership plans and didn't hear a word from the gym. Just before the New Year, I received an email with the words "we want you back" in the subject line. Good tactic, it got me to open the email and read the gym's offer to renew my membership. I didn't take action, but the marketer no doubt was aware that I had opened the email and clicked through to the landing page offer. At this point, the brand's email customization and loyalty efforts should have kicked in to high gear, making their future interaction with me a little more personal. Instead, I've received two emails per day for 18 days with the same exact subject line message. Not only have I not opened any subsequent emails, but worse yet have developed a perception about the brand as being totally impersonal, not caring enough about my patronage to simply sending me an updated subject line, different message that could have done a better job of acknowledging my documented behavior and encouraging me to the next level in the consumer decision making process.

Here's a hilarious parody of the multiple amount of fitness infomercials you'll be subject to this month. Appreciate your comments on post and video below.
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